Thursday, April 23, 2009

Head Count Course

Yesterday, I was attending my Head Count Course conducted by my friends who have nothing to do. I walked in with a little understanding in my head and at the end of the course, after a lot of efforts and explanation made by my Facilitator, Encik Hasbullah Kamaruddin, an officer of Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, my understandings were all gone!

According to Tuan Hj Mohamed KM Abu Bakar, my GPK Koko, nobody would ask you about the ETR, OTI and all those confusing terms if you go to Chinese shops to buy equipments for your piping works.

Because of no encouragement and all those non-motivational opinion made the people around me, I simply switched off my CPU inside my head and kept it 'hanging' until the course over.

My wish is...stop doing this kind of course again!


  1. head count koi pun xreti...keknyer haid count koi reti...nok belajor? xyoh laa kala reti sangat plak kang xdpt carik makan laa koi.
